We're dedicated to helping faculty members reach their full potential, and the resources available on campus and beyond are endless. Whether in the classroom or out in the community, we're always encouraging faculty to make an impact.
Innovation At The University of Iowa
One professor's idea grew into a global company. One Iowa professor holds 34 patents and counting. You could be next. This is more than just a philosophy; at Iowa, we help our innovators at every stage of the process. From providing resources like lab space to assistance with commercialization, the University of Iowa is committed to helping our faculty succeed. We are proud to be a part of their journey and can't wait to see what they accomplish next.

Working With Partners Across The University
The Office of Innovation's partners across the university include:
- Iowa Research Foundation - https://uirf.research.uiowa.edu/
- John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center - https://iowajpec.org/
And Outside of the University
- Iowa Economic Development Authority - https://www.iowaeda.com/
- Iowa State University - https://www.econdev.iastate.edu/
- University of Northern Iowa - https://bcs.uni.edu/
- Iowa City Area Development Group - https://iowacityareadevelopment.com/
- Iowa City Area Business Partnership -- https://iowacityarea.com/
- ICR Iowa - https://icriowa.org/
- Technology Association of Iowa -- https://www.technologyiowa.org/
- BioConnect Iowa - https://bioconnectiowa.org/
- NewBoCo - https://newbo.co/